About Us
Learn More About PFLAG Oakland-East Bay
Serving Oakland, Berkeley, and the wider San Francisco East Bay region since 1995, PFLAG Oakland/East Bay is a chapter of PFLAG National, the nation's largest organization dedicated to supporting, educating, and advocating for LGBTQ+ people and those who love them.
We hold monthly meetings and we organize and participate in community activities furthering equality, affirmation, and respect for all people, inclusive of their sexual orientation, gender expression, and gender identity. Select "Join Us" above for details on our monthly meetings and other activities.
Our board is here to connect with you one-on-one in between meetings. Email pflagoeb@gmail.com or leave us a voicemail at 510-562-7692 and we will get back to you. Please don't hesitate to reach out.
Sign up for our monthly email newsletter to learn about local activities and resources by sending a message to pflagoeb@gmail.com.
We post lots of info on our Facebook page - take a look! You won't need a Facebook account to view the page.

Support – Our chapter facilitates monthly in-person support group meetings on the 4th Tuesday nearly every month from 7 to 9 pm at St. John’s Presbyterian Church, Campbell Room, 2727 College Avenue, Berkeley California
Educate – For the first hour of each meeting, we explore a topic relevant to our members’ interests and concerns through a variety of guest speakers, panels of experts, videos, and discussions. Please refer to “Past Programs” below for examples of recent topics. We then typically break into small breakout groups to ask questions, share stories, learn from, and support each other.
Advocate – We share opportunities to advocate for the issues that affect our loved ones and families to create a more equitable and just world for the LGBTQ+ community.
- January 28, 2025: Election Impact: Protecting LGBTQ+ Civil Rights; PFLAG Board election; confidential support in small groups
- November 26, 2024: Confidential support in small groups
- October 22, 2024: Promoting Safe and Inclusive Schools for our Youth to Thrive; plus confidential support in small groups
- September 24, 2024: Finding Calm Amid the Turbulence; plus confidential support in small groups
- September 8, 2024: Oakland Pride Parade
- August 4, 2024: Ice Cream Social, Private home in Berkeley
- July 23, 2024: PFLAG Parents and a Trans Teen Tell Their Stories in the Media ; plus confidential support in small groups
- June 25, 2024: Courageous Conversations: An Approach to Tackling LGBTQ+ Phobias; plus confidential support in small groups
- May 28, 2024: Gender Affirming Therapy Panel with Julia Simone Fogelson, LCSW, CST, and Susanna Moore, PhD; plus confidential support in small groups
- April 23, 2024: Author Susan Stryker: Bringing Transgender History to Life; plus confidential support in small groups
- March 26, 2024: Ben Greene: An Advocate for the Trans Community; plus confidential support in small groups
- February 27, 2024: Helping All Children Thrive: Author Thomas Boyce, MD; plus confidential support in small groups
- January 23, 2024: Year-Ahead Brainstorming and Annual Chapter Election; plus support